Contact Research & Directions

General Inquiries
The University of Texas at Dallas
Office of Research and Innovation, AD15
800 West Campbell Road
Richardson, TX 75080-3021
The Office of Research and Innovation appreciates your feedback. Please assist us by taking a quick survey.
From Synergy Park Blvd. Turn into Facilities Way between the Callier and Facilities buildings. Proceed to stop sign. Turn right onto Loop Rd. Cross bridge and Lot R is the first left turn after the bridge. Follow the path at the west edge of Lot R, take the first sidewalk that veers to the left, and head towards the glass doors of the AD building. Enter AD through the glass doors and turn left. The elevator will be on left down the hall. Take the elevator to the 3rd floor. Turn right off the elevators and right at the next hallway to find the Office of Research and Innovation.