Space Inventory Contacts

Space Inventory

Every department on the UT Dallas campus has a designated Space Inventory Contact (SIC [Space Inventory Contact] ) that is selected by the department head. SIC [Space Inventory Contact] s work with Facilities Management to verify and update space inventory information. Their duties include:

  • Reviewing space inventory information annually
  • Completing space inventory training that will assist them in completing the survey
  • Notifying FM [Facilities Management] of any space changes that occur between surveys

Space Inventory Contacts & Department Code Information (PDF [Portable Document Format File] )

Completing Space Surveys

Every year, Facilities Management will send SIC [Space Inventory Contact] s a list of rooms assigned to their department and floor plans for their reference and updating. The SIC will review the rooms listed and provide revisions/corrections to FM [Facilities Management] . SICs can reach out to other staff members in their department to assist them in completing the survey. After verifying the corrections, Facilities Management will update the information in Facilities Inventory Management System (FIMS [Facilities Inventory Management System] ) and CAD drawings. Afterwards, confirmation will be sent to the department SIC informing them that their survey has been reviewed and verified.

Training & Resources

Training is provided to SIC [Space Inventory Contact] s annually. This training covers their roles as an SIC, steps for completing the annual Space Survey, explanations for the different codes they will use while conducting the survey and utilizing the floor plans provided to communicate updated space changes.

Updating FM of Space Changes

If a physical space change occurs between surveys, SIC [Space Inventory Contact] s will need to notify the Space Inventory Specialist. They can also email for assistance or CAD drawing requests.

Space Inventory Contacts Resources

These are resources that SIC [Space Inventory Contact] s can refer to when completing their annual space survey.