Vison Statement

Gopal Gupta

My interest in logic programming (LP) began when I learned Prolog as an undergraduate student in the early 1980s. Those were the hey-days of LP with the 5th Generation Project just launched. I vividly remember the September 1983 issue of the CACM which put the 5th Generation Project on its cover. All this inspired me to take up LP for my dissertation research, and my interest in LP has not subsided since then. In the past 20+ years of my research career, I have worked on various aspects of LP, developed various LP systems, supervised Ph.D. theses in LP, applied LP to solving various practical problems, and even co-founded two companies that are based on LP technology.

I have also dedicated myself to the service of the LP community: actively serving in program committees of LP conferences, (co-)chairing LP conferences (1999, 2005, and 2009), serving as an area-editor of TPLP, serving in the executive committee of the ALP, serving as conference coordinator for the ALP, organizing summer schools in LP (1999 and 2004), founding PADL (a successful conference that brings logic programming and functional programming researchers together, now in its 12th edition), and most of all, making efforts to proselytize every one to the benefits of LP.

LP has made great strides since its discovery in the 1970s. Modern logic programming systems pack a lot of power, however, the use of logic programming is not as wide-spread as it should be. Logic programming can have great impact through its use in the semantic web, semantic technologies and other emerging areas, but we, the research community, will have to show the way. As President of the Association, I will continue my dedication to LP and the LP community. I will focus my efforts on:

  1. bringing LP more in the lime light, especially to practitioners of computing in the industry and elsewhere,
  2. making sure that younger researchers continue to enter our field so that it stays vibrant, and
  3. reaching out to other research communities working in areas related to LP so that cross-fertilization of ideas can continue.