CS/CE 6363:  Computer Algorithms

Instructor: R. Chandrasekaran
Office: ECSS 4.611

 Phone: (972) 883-2032 
Office Hours: M: 1:30 -- 3:00 [Unless otherwise noted in class!]
URL: http://www.utdallas.edu/~chandra
email: chandra AT utdallas DOT edu

Teaching Assistant:

Office Hours: .


Textbook: ``Introduction to Algorithms, (Third Edition)'' by T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein.

Prerequisites: CS 5343 or equivalent (Data structures and algorithms); CS 5353: Discrete Mathematics or equivalent: Abstract data types: lists, stacks, queues, trees, search trees. Hashing. Priority queues: heaps. Sorting and searching. Graphs: representation and algorithms.

Course Objectives:

  1. Ability to understand asymptotic notations, recurrences, algorithm analysis
  2. Ability to understand divide and conquer algorithms
  3. Ability to understand greedy algorithms
  4. Ability to understand dynamic programming algorithms
  5. Ability to understand graph algorithms, flow networks
  6. Ability to understand NP-Completeness 

Topics: Recurrence relations, Order notation. Divide and conquer, greedy methods, lower bounds, dynamic programming, linear programming, and inductive algorithms. Graph algorithms: Search techniques: DFS and BFS, Minimum spanning trees, Shortest path problems, Maximum flow problems, Matching, NP-completeness, Reductions.

Instructions for Everything for this Course


Audio/video Lectures

Grades: Assignments -10%; Exam I: 25%; Exam II (30%); Exam III: (35%) 


There will be no programming assignments.

Instructions on Group Formation

Student Responsibilities: